Best Wedding Dates For 2020 Wedding : Highly Auspicious Hindu Marriage Dates From October 2019 till September 2020
When it comes to planning a wedding, the most crucial decision one has to take is to pick a wedding date. Thousands of thought crosses your mind when you sit to select the date for your wedding. Is this date would suit the family members? Is your dream wedding venue available on this date? Is it auspicious? You go through lots of confusion and indecisiveness while choosing the marriage dates. At GetYourVenue, we do not just help our clients to find the best wedding venues, but we have also curated the list of auspicious wedding dates available from October 2019 till September 2020. Our team at GetYourVenue: Find Best Wedding Venues In Delhi, strives hard to make your wedding planning as much easier as possible, hence sharing this calendar with upcoming auspicious wedding dates. Don’t forget to bookmark this blog or save the calendar for your convenience!
Before you pick any wedding date in Oct’19-Sep’20, here are some key points that we request you to keep in mind:
- While considering the Shubh Muhurat, one thing that you must keep in mind is not a day or date.
- Different religions and sub-castes have different auspicious wedding dates as they follow different practices & customs.
- If you are looking for the best muhurat for weddings, you can go for a perfectly safe date, known as Abujh Muhurat. When you go for Abujh Muhurat, you do not need to consult a pandit as it is considered as the most auspicious date for the wedding as per the Hindu calendar.
- For NRIs & those settled and working abroad can consider wedding dates between 15th December & 30th
All Auspicious wedding/marriage dates between October 2019 & September 2020
Here we have listed month-wise auspicious marriage dates to consider in upcoming months. These dates have been categorized into three important subcategories, which are highly auspicious wedding dates, shubh muhurat, and basic dates.