7 Must Have Beauty Products For Bride's To Be

Every wedding has a lot of rituals and “rasams,” and it is not possible to get professional makeup done for every ritual. It is here where your creativity and makeup skills will come handy. To get a perfect look, it is imperative to have essential beauty tools that can help you get your simple makeup for Indian wedding look pat down. Here, we bring you the most essential beauty tools that will help you do your own makeup.

Makeup Primer

Beauty Tools For Wedding Makeup 1 Before applying wedding makeup, follow the basic rule of makeup. Scrub your face clean and add some primer. This makeup product is very essential as it smoothens skin surface, hides blemishes, keeps it hydrated and basically prepares it for makeup application. It also gives a mattified look and subtle glow on the face. The makeup stays for a longer time without getting smudged as the makeup applied sticks nicely on the skin. It is important to use a quality primer to avoid any allergic reaction which is possible with sub-standard makeup products.


Beauty Tools For Wedding Makeup 2 It is important to choose a foundation very carefully. It must be as per your skin tone and secondly, it must be a tried and tested product. You would not want any surprises on your wedding day as a result of experimenting with a new foundation you haven’t tried before. Foundation is available in cream, spray tan and other formats. Choose something that has always given you the best results. If you are confused about how to use a foundation that it doesn’t make you look over the top, watch a video, how to make up for the wedding.It is sure to help you using foundation such that it brings out the best in you.

Blending Brush

Beauty Tools For Wedding Makeup 3 Once the foundation has been applied, it is essential that it blends properly. You would not like to be seen with smudged or light and dark patches on your skin in your wedding makeup pictures. You can use a blending brush or a sponge that evens out foundation nicely, leaving no smudges on your skin. Once done, you are ready to get stunning closeup wedding makeup images done.

Waterproof Makeup

Beauty Tools For Wedding Makeup 4 If you are very sentimental and emotional, tears cannot be far behind on your wedding day when your parents shower their blessings, and friends bid you a tearful adieu. It is natural to be a little teary-eyed when your father looks at you and wonders how his lil’ girl grew up so fast. Don’t let your emotions spoil your hard work. Apply waterproof makeup like eyeliner and mascara that allows you to be smudge-free even when you are unable to control your tears. Even if you indulge in light makeup for the wedding, using waterproof makeup is a good idea.


Beauty Tools For Wedding Makeup 7 Since you are not a professional, it is not uncommon to get your eyeliner or mascara smudged. It is important to have a pack of cotton swabs handy to fix makeup mishaps with lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner.

Eyelash Curler

Beauty Tools For Wedding Makeup 6 If your eyelashes are not naturally curly, no worries! You can always use an eyelash curler and good-quality mascara to get attractive, long lashes. Use eyelash curler carefully and ensure it is squeaky clean and there are no traces of earlier makeup. Watch how to do makeup for wedding videos to understand how eyelashes are gently curled.

Makeup Setting Spray

Beauty Tools For Wedding Makeup 5 Be prepared to have your makeup on the skin for hours together as you never know how long rituals are going to continue. It is better to use a good makeup setting spray that keeps you looking fresh and glowing through the day. The spray keeps your makeup in the perfect look for 12 hours.

Wedding Day Makeup Tips

Besides using the basic seven makeup tools for a perfect look on your wedding day, consider a few tips.
  • Get a trial run: It is important to test your wedding looks weeks before the D-Day. Take a lot of pictures as it will help you ensure that everything looks cool. You will also get a chance to check your makeup products and its quality.
  • Avoid High-SPF Products: In the normal routine, stepping out without wearing sunscreen with adequate SPF is a beauty blunder, but wearing makeup with high SPF will give you a pale and washed out look. Thus, it is important to choose products that make you look ravishing without damaging your skin under harsh sunlight.
  • Go Slow With Your Makeup: Even when you have tested your Indian wedding makeup and hair look, be patient and apply your makeup slowly with steady hands. There is no need to feel rushed as it can result in makeup blunder, which will result in a lot of time getting fixed.
  • Avoid Super Glossy Look: If you apply glossy makeup, your pictures will appear shinier than ever. Matte makeup looks better in pictures.
  • Apply Makeup before you dress: Many people take this advice very lightly, but, in reality, it is something most people tend to forget. If you dress up before applying makeup, chances of some of the makeup landing on your dress smudging it at neck corners are high. Every makeup and hairstyle for a wedding expert will give you this tip.


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