Hiring Wedding Vendors while Following the social distancing rules

Are you among those who had selected the year 2020 as the year of getting married and settling down? And are now forced to postpone the wedding date due to the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus? With social distancing and stay at home solutions, regular life has come to a halt and so has all plans. This worldwide pandemic has again witnessed humans fighting a war together. And very soon, there will be a solution to overcome these problematic days. But till then, everybody needs to be patient and wait for the world to be free from this pandemic. Hiring Wedding Vendors What the would-be couple can do is to utilize this phase as the time given to them to complete their homework. One important job is to select the correct wedding vendors to ensure high-quality services. But hiring the right vendor for the different tasks can be a time-consuming affair.

Here, we will be providing you some useful tips that can guide you in selecting a wedding vendor during this phase.

1. Seeking for recommendations

Seeking recommendations of relatives and friends about vendors that they already have experience with can turn out to be a great solution. You can rely on their valuable suggestions and opinions. From the quality of services provided by the vendor to their sense of professionalism, you can gather the best knowledge from your known circle.  

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2. Gathering knowledge from online sources

The best way about knowing the worthiness of any given vendor is to check their online updates. Checking their websites and also looking for their updates on various social media platforms might prove helpful in providing insights about the way they are working and also about their popularity and exposure. Reading online reviews is also a highly recommended step before hiring a vendor.

3. Setting up Virtual Meeting

With everybody locked in their houses, the concept of the virtual meeting has seen a revival. The same method can be used to set-up a fruitful virtual session with different vendors to know them and their work ethics better. Detailed discussion on a one-to-one basis can be more relevant and focused.  

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4. Take Different Steps for Different vendors

This is another important point to remember. There cannot be a set way of selecting all the vendors for a wedding planning to be successful. For some vendors, like decorators and photographers, asking for pictures and videos may help. But, for selecting the caterer, food sample tasting is essential. So, you can ask the vendor to parcel food for you to taste the quality.

Hence, with a little analysis and involvement, and by changing the process a bit, hiring wedding vendors by maintaining social distance during lockdown is possible. So, you can effectively turn out this lockdown phase into a most productive pre-wedding planning period. And you can even end up hiring wedding vendors while following the social distancing rule.


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